구매자를위한 팁
판매자에게 당신이 심각한 구매자임을 보여주세요
오늘날의 부동산 시장에서는 구매자가 사랑에 빠진 첫 번째 주택을 사는 것이 어려울 수 있습니다! 수락 되려면 몇 가지 제안이 필요할 수 있습니다. 제안을 수락하는 데 도움이되는 전략의 전쟁 상자를 갖는 것은 아프지 않습니다.
TIP #1
Don’t low-ball the seller. Be prepared to pay fair market value. Low-balling may alienate the seller right off the bat. And it wastes everyone’s time. Plus while you are messing around, chances are another offer is being accepted. Get serious.
TIP #3
Tug at the heart strings. Find common ground with the sellers, like are you both veterans? If there is a situation with multiple offers vying for the same property, write a personal letter to the sellers that shows why you love the house and that might help to set your offer apart.
TIP #5
Don’t request favors of the sellers. Asking for additional appliances, furniture, fixtures, or repaint the front door could hurt your offer and get you put at the bottom of the pile.
TIP #2
Be flexible with your timing. The more flexible you are with the timing of the seller’s move, as to how quickly or slowly their needs are to move can give you a great advantage over other offers.